Alcohol / Substance Misuse
ADDACTION Wigan and Leigh is an adult service providing information, advice, support and treatment for those with alcohol or drug problems over 3 bases in Wigan and Leigh. Qualified clinicians will help identify the effects of the problem on a patient’s mental and physical health and how this is impacting on their day to day life, as well as completing a physical health care assessment. Each patient is then allocated a Recovery Co-ordinator who will develop a personalised care plan to help patients achieve their recovery goals which could be to cut down, stabilise or stop using drugs or alcohol altogether. The service runs a clinic at the surgery specifically for Standish patients every Wednesday. Please contact the surgery if you would like to make an appointment with one of the advisers.
Patients can self refer on 01942 487 578
Opening times are Mon, Tues, Fri 9am – 5pm and Weds, Thurs 9am – 7pm
Please remember the UK national advice is that men and women who drink regularly should consume no more than 14 units a week
Antenatal Care
Routine pregnancy testing is not performed in surgery as accurate and reliable home kits are available at all local pharmacies.
If you have a positive test and plan to continue the pregnancy please contact the surgery you to obtain the details for the Community Midwives who will organise your antenatal care. The sooner you contact the us the better as you should see a Midwife at around 8-10 weeks of pregnancy (4-6 weeks after your missed period).
Whilst waiting to see the Midwife it is important that you:
- Stop Smoking
- Avoid Alcohol
- Ensure you are taking Folic Acid 400 microgramms once daily along with Vitamin D
- Live a healthy lifestyle
Antenatal clinics are run across the borough but the Midwives hold clinics here at the surgery The Midwife will see you here at the surgery on Tuesdays 1-3pm and Thursday 1.00-4.30 pm (By Appointment Only)
Asthma Reviews
All asthma patients should have an annual review of their symptoms and treatment. Asthma is a condition that waxes and wanes over weeks, months or even years and so regular review of your current asthma symptoms and inhalers is very important.
If your asthma is well controlled you should be using your reliever inhaler no more than 3 times a week.
Poor asthma control is indicated by:
- Using Reliever Inhaler more than 3 times a week
- Waking at night or early morning with a dry cough or wheeze
- Limitation of your normal activities caused by shortness of breath, wheeze, chest tightness or cough
In these situations it is very important that you contact us even if your annual asthma review is not due.
Please complete this annual review questionnaire before attending your review appointment.
Blood Pressure Checks
All patients taking blood pressure medication should have a blood pressure check and, in most cases, a blood test every 6 months. This can be arranged by appointment with our Health Care Assistant or you can send in some blood pressure readings from home. Many people now have their own blood pressure monitor as these are available to buy from most pharmacies and provide accurate readings. If you check your blood pressure at home try to bring your monitor in to surgery once a year so that our Practice Nurses can check it is working properly.
If you are having any specific concerns regarding you medication please contact us.
Cervical Smear Tests
Routine Smear Testing is currently advised every 3 years for women between the ages of 25 and 50, and then every 5 years between the ages of 50 and 64. If women have had abnormal smears in the past they may need to have them more regularly than this, or to have smears past the age of 64. Women are invited to attend for a smear test by letter when their smear is due.
Please attend for smear tests when called to do so. They can pick up early changes and may prevent the development of cervical cancer.
Our Practice Nurses run Smear Clinics every week. There are currently regular smear clinics running in surgery on Monday and Tuesday afternoons. Please contact us to make an appointment and let us know if these clinic times are not possible for you.
Community Link Workers
Many people have underlying social problems impacting on their health including social isolation and loneliness, low level anxiety or stress, money or housing issues. Community Link Workers are based in practices around Wigan to help connect people to the right support and services for them. They have a wealth of knowledge about local services and community and can provide practical support to get people connected with relevant services and groups.
Patients aged over 18 can access their services by calling 01942 836967 or emailing
Full services including emergency contraception, pill checks, depot-contraception, implants and coil fittings and removals are available at the surgery.
- See any GP to discuss/commence contraception or to obtain same-day emergency contraception.
- See Doctor Nadia Ghalayini to discuss implants and coil fittings or removals.
- See Practice Nurses for routine pill and coil checks, and for all follow-up depo-injections.
COPD Reviews
All patient with COPD should have an annual review. You will be contacted by us with an appointment which may include a Spirometry (a special breathing test). If you have any concern that your COPD is not controlled and that you are having worsening breathlessness, wheeze or phlegm please contact us even if your annual review is not due.
Counselling / CBT
Patients over the age of 16 can self refer to local counselling services by calling 01942 483 483 to access a one to one assessment with a qualified counseller. Presenting issues could include mild to moderate depression, anxiety, stress, complex or extended bereavement, coping with chronic illness or significant injury, family/relationship issues, loss (employment, relationship, and health), identity issues i.e. gender and/or sexuality.
For patients interested in more varied Psychological Therapies such as CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) or who have previously been under the care of the local community mental health team and feel they need to reconnect, self referral is also possible through telephoning 01942 264 536.
Crisis Team
Patients needing immediate crisis intervention regarding their mental health – i.e. patients who are suicidal or in an acute psychotic state can self refer or be referred to the Crisis Resolution / Access Team at Leigh Infirmary on 01942 255 675, or the Home Treatment Team on 01942 482 239.
Diabetic Clinic
All established diabetics should be reviewed at least annually either at the practice, in hospital clinics or both. All patients will be invited to attend our diabetic clinic, All diabetics not being reviewed regularly at the hospital for their diabetes are invited by post to attend the practice’s diabetic clinic. This is run throughout the week by our Practice Nurses under supervision of a qualified prescriber. Any diabetics with concerns regarding their diabetes should contact us for advice even if their review is not yet due.
Ear Irrigation (for removal of ear wax)
We no longer offer this service, you will need to self refer to other local NHS clinics on 01942 482073.
Flu Vaccinations
Clinics are held annually in early Autumn for all eligible patients. Please inquire at reception from August onwards about making an appointment for your vaccine if you are eligible.
Click on the link below to check the eligiblity criteria.
Scheduled childhood vaccinations are performed by our Practice Nurses. Patients should receive an invitation to attend for a vaccine when this is due. There is a set schedule of when each vaccination should be given and so it is important for parents to try and stick to this to provide the best possible level of immunity for their child. Find out more about the immunisation schedule and the vaccines themselves by following this link;
Long Term Conditions
There are a significant number of people in the UK now living with one or more long-term / chronic health conditions. These conditions could include Heart Failure, Atrial Fibrillation, Learning Disability, Dementia or Inflammatory Arthritis such as Rheumatoid Arthritis. We try and identify all patients with these conditions and ask them to undergo an annual review of their condition and medications. They are also generally offered an annual blood test. An invite will be sent out from the practice for this review. Anyone with concerns that their long-term condition is not well controlled should contact the practice for advice even if their annual review is not yet due.
Private medicals such as employment or adoption medicals can be arranged through the practice in certain cases, subject to a fee. Please contact the surgery for further details.
Mother and Baby clinic
We run a “One Stop” 8 week check for new babies and their mums, which also includes the first set of baby immunisations which takes place on Tuesday mornings. All new babies are sent an invitation from the practice to attend by post. Please register your new baby with us as soon as you are able to after the birth so we can make sure they are identified on our clinical system. It is very important to attend this appointment as postponing it means that the baby’s first immunisations will be delayed too. Each mum and baby will see the Health Visitor and then the GP before having their immunisations. There will be an opportunity to discuss baby’s development, any concerns, how mum is coping and contraception for the future. The baby will be undergo a full physical examination and then be given its first immunisations. Running alongside this clinic, is a Drop-In Service where any mums can bring their babies or pre-school children along to see the Health Visitor for weighing or to discuss any concerns. This is open from 9,30am.
The Health Visitors can also be contacted directly on 01942 482 117 to discuss any concerns you may have about yourself or your child.
Non NHS Work
The NHS does not pay for some of the services we provide. These include private sick notes, insurance forms, holiday cancellation forms, medical reports, fitness to travel certificates, private prescriptions, passport signing and some vaccination services. Our fees for these services are displayed in the surgery or you can request a quote through the askmygp icon on the homepage of this website.
Postnatal Depression
Are you or your partner pregnant or have you recently had a baby? Are you feeling anxious, depressed or overwhelmed? Would you like to talk to someone in confidence about your feelings? There is a free and confidential counselling service specifically for those suffering with antenatal or postnatal low mood or anxiety. Sessions are run at your own home, local children’s Sure Start Centres and at the Wigan Family Welfare Offices in Scholes in Wigan. You can self-refer to this service by telephoning 01942 867 888 More support is always available from us and your Health Visitor – please contact us if you feel you need to.
Sexual Health
It’s important to pay attention to your sexual health, whether you are in a long term relationship or not. Anyone having sex can catch a Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) so you need to find out how to protect yourself by avoiding infection, how to get tested and what treatments are available. This can prevent health complications for you and your partners. Practising safe sex using a condom reduces the risk of STI. If you are concerned you may have an STI see your GP or visit a contraception and sexual health clinic. There are several clinics in the area offering free contraception and sexual health advice. Self-Refer to any of the local clinics below – all contact with them is completely confidential and even your GP is not informed that you have been seen there:
- Spectrum The Galleries Shopping Centre, 1st Floor, Wigan, WN1 1AR Tel:01942 483188
- Opening Hours
- Monday 8:30-11:30am Walk-In, 1:30 – 2:30pm Appts, 3- 5pm Youth Drop-In Clinic*
Tuesday 8:30am – 11:30am Walk-In, 1:30 – 5pm Appts
Wednesday 8:30 – 11:30am Walk-In, 1:30pm – 2:30pm Appts, 3 – 5pm Youth Drop-In Clinic*
Thursday 8:30 – 11:30am Walk-In, 8:30am – 12pm Appts
Friday 8:30 – 11:30am Walk-In Clinic, 1:30 – 3pm Appts
Saturday 9:30 – 12pm Appts - Spectrum – Entrance C, Leigh Health Ctr, The Avenue, Leigh, WN7 1HR, Tel: 01942 483188
- Opening Hours
Monday 8:30am – 12pm Appointments: 1,30 – 5:30pm Appts
Tuesday 8:30am – 12pm Appts; :1.30 – 5:30pm Appts
Wednesday 8:30am – 12pm Appts, 1:30 – 5:30pm Appts
Thursday 8:30 – 11:30am Appts
Friday 8:30am – 3pm Appts
Smoking Cessation
Choosing to stop smoking can be one of the most worthwhile decisions that a person makes but the practicalities of doing it may be very difficult. Smokers who use their local NHS Stop Smoking Service are up to 4 times more likely to beat their addiction. The Wigan Stop Smoking Service is a free NHS service dedicated to providing advice and support to the people who wish to stop smoking. It involves one-to-one sessions which address:
- A step-by-step approach tailored to meet an individual’s unique needs
- Individual support with a stop smoking specialist adviser
- Access to the service in your local community
- Access to Nicotine Replacement Therapy (patches, gum etc.) on prescription
- Advice that will help you to stop now and stay stopped
Self Refer by calling 01942 481712
A large proportion of local pharmacies in Ashton, Leigh & Wigan are also now offering quick and easy access to stop smoking support for the general public. Pharmacists and trained pharmacy staff are able to offer one to one stop smoking advice, treatment and ongoing support for people who want to give up smoking. Where more specialist intensive support is required, referral to the local stop smoking service specialist advisers can be arranged.
For further support contact:
- Wigan Stop Smoking Service Freephone-0500 7867 669
- NHS Smokefree:
- NHS free smoking helpline: 0800 022 4 332
- NHS free pregnancy smoking helpline: 0800 169 9 169
- ASH:
Anyone living in the Wigan Borough can access this service and there is specific support available to pregnant women and those with a long-term condition.
Travel vaccinations
If you require any vaccinations relating to foreign travel you need to make an appointment with the practice nurse to discuss your travel arrangements. This will include which countries and areas within countries that you are visiting to determine what vaccinations are required.
It is important to make this initial appointment as early as possible – preferably 8 weeks before you travel – to ensure you get all the relevant travel advice soon enough and that there is adequate time for immunity to develop after any vaccines are administered.
Some travel vaccines are ordered on a private prescription and these incur a charge over and above the normal prescription charge. This is because not all travel vaccinations are included in the services provided by the NHS.
Please click here for further information on travel vaccinations on the NHS website.
Unwanted Pregnancy
If you have a positive test but feel unable to continue with the pregnancy you can discuss this with your GP who will provide you with support and details of specialist clinics where you can obtain further information and counselling regarding the next steps. Alternatively if you would prefer not to see your GP about this issue you can self-refer for an NHS-funded termination in the local area by contacting:
- The British Pregnancy Advisory Service (BPAS) – Tel; 08457 30 40 30 / Email;
- Marie Stopes International – Tel; 0345 300 8090 (open 24 hours) / Email;